Thursday 24 April 2014

Data Collection Activity

In my group of six we decided to split up into three's and count the number of a certain colour of car passed the college. Three of us went out the front of the college while the others went out the back of the college.
Here is my rough copy of our results...

Here are our results finalised with the correct quantities...

Initial Information Designs

Here are my initial charts for the information graphics.
I played around with different formats and ideas for how I would present my idea in the best way.

Final Information Design for Results

Here are my final charts for my data. As the results from the front of the college weren't that high I decided to look more closely at the cars that passed the back of the college as we had recorded whether the driver was male or female. I displayed this data in an bar chart showing the relation of men to women drivers of each colour of car. It was quite surprising that there were 30 more male drivers overall than men and also how popular silver cars are as 63 out of the 142 cars recorded were silver.

I also made a pie chart. The inner chart shows the number of cars of each colour that passed the front of the college. Which reinforces the popularity of silver cars. The outside chart shows the results of the back of the college in another format to the bar chart.

I have also made pie charts which show the female to male relation of the number of cyclists and dog walkers. I was fairly surprised by the cyclists figure as it is usually mainly men who cycle but as this was a very small sample I'm not too surprised.

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